Elyce Recommends T-Tapp for Body Maintenance

A great way to help keep your body working for you

I can’t say enough about T-Tapp

I really can’t. Developed by Teresa Tapp, it’s a whole new approach to exercise. The great thing about it is almost anyone can do it. Even though though it has tap in the name, it is completely low impact program designed to help strengthen and balance your skeletal muscles, while keeping your body supple and flexible.

Just 15 Minutes a Day Can Change Your Life

To me this is the ultimate anti-aging workout. The basic workout is 15 minutes long, and if you can find a way to fit it into your day, it will change your life. Especially if you currently are not exercises and experiencing those increasing aches and pains associated with aging. I found this  in my early 40s and it has allowed me to keep my body strong and supple in spite of some challenges (bad knees, some back trouble, a neck injury… You get the picture).

If you do the full hour long workout, you are going to see some major benefits. But even if you just make a habit of doing the first 15 minutes daily, you will see your body change for the better.

It’s all done standing

There is no getting up and down off the floor, you stand there and use your body weight and muscle activation to completely stretch and tone your body. And you can do it anywhere. I do it in my yard, or even in the park on occasion.

Update:  Sadly Teresa Tapp Passed Away September 20, 2018

I was devastated to hear that she had passed away. I think of her every time I do my primary back stretch. Apparently there was some confusion about her business after she passed and I’m not sure you can still buy her products through the website. But the main workouts are available for free on You-Tube. I’ve collected a few of the links for you and I highly recommend you check them out.

T-Tapp Basic Workout Plus – Only 15 minutes

T-Tapp Total Workout Beginner Rehab – The full 55 minute workout

Now if you are a fitness junkie, you may not find this too exciting, but if your are looking for a way back into exercise, this is my top choice. It will strengthen and tone your body from the inside out – without injury – which is something we are more and more susceptible to as we age.

I also recommend Teresa Tapp’s book Fit and Fabulous in 15 Minutes.

It explains how she developed the program and a bit about her life, which is really interesting. But I just want to say, most people will not lose 2 sizes in 4 weeks – in my humble opinion.  But you will improve your posture, your health and general sense of well-being. Now that’s a 15 minute investment I can get behind! Oh, and there is no way to do the exercises from the book. Don’t even try. You need the video. But it’s still an interesting read.

Fit and Fabulous in 15 Minutes – Link to Amazon (Not an affiliate link)

So, I hope that’s helpful. I just think it’s a great resource that most people know nothing about. We need our bodies for the rest of out lives. The older we get the more we realize that our quality of life is closely linked to our ease of movement.

So, check it out if it sounds like something you might find useful. And let me know what you think!

All my best,


Blog Header Photo Credit: Amelia Bartlett, Unsplash.com